MPawlak Aesthetic Medicine and Anti-Aging Clinic


What is Botox?

Botox, produced by Allergan, is used in medicine for over 40 years. It temporarily blocks nerve impulses in muscles. In esthetic medicine Botox is used mainly to block contraction of facial muscles. Thus it reduces wrinkles in forehead, glabella and eyes area. Additionally, Botox can stop sweating and can be useful in bruxism treatment. It also helps to reduce local skin inflammation.

What is Azzalure?

Azzalure acts the same as Botox, but is produced by another company - Galderma. Both products are different in dosages, yet action time is the same.

How does the procedure look like?

Botox is injected subcutaneously through very narrow needle. It is almost painless, and no earlier preparation is required from patient.

How does the patient look like after Botox injection?

After injection small red dots can be observed on skin surface, and the number of dots depends on injection points. These points vanishes after couple of minutes. After Botox administration patient can return to the daily life. But in that day alcohol drinking, bending, and massage are prohibited.

How long does the effect last?

The action of Botox can be observed in 14 days after injection and it lasts for about 4-6 months. After next injections effect can last longer than that.

Are there any contraindications for the treatment?

Contraindications include: pregnancy, breast feeding, some neurological diseases, hypersensitivity to albumin, active inflammation treated with antibiotics, and herpes.

Is the administration of Botox safe?

Botox is a very safe drug. It has been used successfully in the treatment of pediatric torticollis in infants. In neurology doses are administered several times higher than in aesthetic medicine. The main side effects of this point bruising and swelling. Local side effects pose no threat to health and are temporary. Botox does not cause severe allergic reactions.

The product is a prescription drug . The procedure can be performed only by a physician experienced in the use of the product.

The effects of the treatment - photo

botox   botox   botox  


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MPawlak Aesthetic Medicine and Anti-Aging Clinic  •  Gandalfa 1/216, Warsaw  ✆  +48 661 661 861